Website Design & Development Blog

  • Free Doc Type Sprite Icon Set!

    Written by Tyler Bartholomew | Posted in Freebies | 20 Comments
    Free Doc Type Sprite Icon Set!

    Have you looked over and over for a free doc type sprite and icon set, but to no avail? Look no further!

    One of our recent projects required a unique icon set with a variety of document type icons. In an effort to increase speed, these icons were integrated into a single CSS sprite and are available to you, free to download!

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  • The new ECS Jets website takes flight!

    Written by Tyler Bartholomew | Posted in Company News | 6 Comments
    The new ECS Jets website takes flight!

    Otlay Interactive is proud to announce the recent launch of ECS Jets, a subsidiary of the Exclusive Charter Service.

    ECS Jets is a leading provider of private jet charter flights across the world, with a focus on providing the largest selection of aircraft and the most luxurious conditons available.

    Looking to fly in style on your next adventure?
    Visit ECS Jets today!

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  • What Does the Sale of Skype To Microsoft Mean For Your Windows Devices

    Written by Brad Billman | Posted in Business | 4 Comments
    What Does the Sale of Skype To Microsoft Mean For Your Windows Devices

    Most of you have probably heard about Skype planning to have an app for your beautiful Windows Phone 7 devices when the Mango update comes around, but now that Microsoft owns Skype are we going to have to wait for Mango? I don't know about you but I certainly hope not. With Microsoft buying Skype I want my Samsung Focus to get an update in the next couple of months with Skype fully integrated. Granted we can't always get what we want. And even when we do get what we want we often can't get it when we want it.... Which is usually now.

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  • What Will Mango Do For Our WP7 Devices

    Written by Brad Billman | Posted in Technology | 5 Comments
    What Will Mango Do For Our WP7 Devices

    I am sure most of you have already been hearing some of the rumors about out beloved Windows Phones being updated to the Mango update in the fall. Other than IE9 on WP7 getting HTML5, Silverlight support, and of course better multi-tasking/app switching, I have yet to hear much about any details. So I decided to just compile a little list of what I would like to see with the Mango update for my Samsung Focus.

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  • How To Update Your WP7 Samsung Focus With The NoDo Update On AT&T

    Written by Brad Billman | Posted in Technology | 39 Comments
    How To Update Your WP7 Samsung Focus With The NoDo Update On AT&T

    Check out this article and comment here for WP7 update Help and Tips

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  • Blogging Business: Blog your website SEO to the top

    Written by Bill | Posted in Business | 31 Comments
    Blogging Business: Blog your website SEO to the top

    Increasing Page rank, user traffic, and SEO are arguably some of the hardest parts of operating a website. If your site is lacking in these areas, a weekly blog may be just the remedy to get you back on the right track.  

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  • A Developer's First Impression Of Windows Phone 7

    Written by Brad Billman | Posted in Technology | 10 Comments
    A Developer's First Impression Of Windows Phone 7

    I recently switched from the iPhone 3gs over to a Samsung Focus with Windows Phone 7 (WP7).  In this quick blog I will go through my first impressions, what I like, what I would like to see in updates, and just a few points of comparison with IOS.

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  • Nintendo takes 3D to the next level with 3DS

    Written by Bill | Posted in Technology | 8 Comments
    Nintendo takes 3D to the next level with 3DS

    Nintendo has revolutionized the 3-D and Gaming industry with the release of its new hand held consol, the 3DS.  This 3-D gaming consol offers a glasses-free viewing experience at a price the average consumer can afford. Though the technology that makes it possible has been around a while, it is just now being adapted to be brought to the masses

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  • Apple iOS 4.3 Update Leaves iPhone 3G Out of Commission

    Written by David Lindauer | Posted in Technology | 22 Comments
    Apple iOS 4.3 Update Leaves iPhone 3G Out of Commission

    It's official, if you have an iPhone 3G, you're probably asking yourself "why isn't my iPhone 3G updating to iOS 4.3?!".  It's because you're no longer in the hardware group that gets Apple software updates.  They cut it out, you're stuck, and to date, Apple hasn't made any notion that they're intending to let you get security patches or continue much into the future with your phone.  Funny timing with the launch of the iPad2, but far enough before the release date of iPhone 5 that you can't plan on upgrading your 3G to a 5 anytime soon.

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  • Apple 4.3 iOS Update, iPhone 4 back on top with HotSpot?

    Written by Brandon Moore | Posted in Technology | 6 Comments
    Apple 4.3 iOS Update, iPhone 4 back on top with HotSpot?

    The much anticipated 4.3 iOS from Apple has finally arrived. Like every other update, Apple enthusiast were as excited as always to see what toys Apple had provided this time around. The new update scheduled for a March 11th launch, was released a day early. This update will allow iPhone 4 users to use their phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot as seen on the new Verizon iPhone and other mobile devices. Along with the new hotspot capabilities the iPhone 4 has increased the performance of Safari and in-home sharing through iTunes.

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  • Maximizing HTTP Load Speed for Your Website with Parallel Hostnames

    Written by David Lindauer | Posted in Programming | 7 Comments
    Maximizing HTTP Load Speed for Your Website with Parallel Hostnames

    Web sites are all about the experience, and nothing says bad experience quite like a slow loading website.  Studies have shown time and time again, page load speed can be the #1 factor in deciding if your users are absorbing your content or just eating up some bandwidth.

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  • Five Tools to Organize your Small Business

    Written by Brandon Moore | Posted in Business | 22 Comments
    Five Tools to Organize your Small Business

    As a small business owner, organization can be the difference between success and putting you in the nut house. If you are properly organized, running your small business can be a breeze -- and will ultimately be shown in your profits. Organization starts at the top and will trickle down to benefit everyone from employees to customers. Your organization lets you better track your business from your initial client meeting to the sale of a product. These five tools are guaranteed to make you and your business more efficient and successful.

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  • How to select a domain name for your company

    Written by Bill | Posted in Business | 4 Comments
    How to select a domain name for your company

    Just as the name of your business directs your presence in the ‘physical world,’ your domain name guides your presence on the web. Internet-based businesses particularly rely on the right domain name to differentiate their site and business from competitors.  With your site design, marketing campaigns and SEO value (online visibility) hanging in the balance, selecting a domain name can be a daunting task. But fear not, following these general guidelines can help you select a unique and memorable domain name.

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  • Create a beautiful & inexpensive mural for your office!

    Written by Tyler Bartholomew | Posted in Tutorials | 9 Comments
    Create a beautiful & inexpensive mural for your office!

    As any true entrepreneur knows, first impressions are everything! Often people will critique their website, their attire, or perhaps their handshake. But have you considered your office? As you look around, do you see nothing but plain white walls? Then continue reading!

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